Commercial online courses in Employment Orientation

See how well suited you are to the industry or occupations you have in mind.
Unlock what you need to know about how to shape your career path.
Test yourself matched to the industry or career you are interested in.
Employers place as much emphasis on who your and how you interact with others as they do on your actual qualifications or technical skills.
Find out more about how you communicate and interact with others.
Tackling job hunting head on, with lots of ideas and resources to promote yourself to employers.

Employment Orientation

Provides an opportunity for people preparing for a career or re-examining their work situation to explore their capabilities, suitability for certain careers or jobs and to test their Employability Fitness.

Learners in this course can follow the sequence of topics or select those that most apply to their circumstances.

Follow your heart.

     Set your sights high.

          Test yourself.

               Be surprised!